► Ex-Judge William Perry of Long Island, NY; poster boy for “Judicial Arrogance" Print E-mail
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Ex-Judge William Perry of Long Island, N; poster boy for “Judicial Arrogance”


Unfortunately for the long-suffering citizens of Long Island, New York (Suffolk County,) Judge William spent many years sitting on the court.
Even though Judge William Perry is dead as we speak (ca. June 2010), I believe it appropriate to discuss his arrogant behavior that took place in 1975, which is set forth below.
In an obvious effort to forever cement his status as an “arrogant ass” in the annals practicing Judicial Misfits, Judge William Perry engaged in the following conduct.
Prior to entering the courthouse in Long Island in 1975, Judge Perry stopped to purchase a cup of coffee from a fellow operating a refreshment stand outside the court.
After taking a sip of the coffee, Judge Perry determined that it was not of the high quality that a member of the Judicial Aristocracy was accustomed too. Immediately thereafter, Judge Perry ordered his Court Marshall to arrest the gentleman and deliver him in handcuffs to the court.
This would be akin to Judge Jones of Charlotte ordering the arrest of the sales clerk at the local CVS Pharmacy for selling him a box of “petite size” prophylactics even though the fellow’s judgment in so doing was based on confidential conversations he had with Judge Jones’ wife.
Judge Perry’s Punishment
Subsequently, Judge Perry was removed from the bench in regards to aforementioned conduct. However, it should be noted that he wasn’t removed because of his disgusting arrogant behavior. No Boys and Girls, he was removed because Judge Perry made the mistake of lying to the Judicial Commission during its investigation of his misconduct. Put simply, arrogant and illegal conduct in having the hardworking, little businessman arrested for serving what Perry determined was “bad coffee” was of no consequence. It was lying about the incident that raised the ire of the enablers sitting on the New York Judicial Commission.
The despicable arrogance displayed by Judge Perry in 1975, continues unabated as we speak. Put simply, many, many judges throughout the country and the world actually believe in their heart-of-hearts that there “bowel movement is without odor,” if ya know what I mean.

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