► Judge Lisa Lench of Los Angeles, CA; cheerleader for judicial bigot, lifetime porker Print E-mail
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Judge Lisa Lench of Los Angeles, CA; cheerleader for judicial bigot, lifetime porker


The State of California presented Lisa B. Lench with a law license in 1979 after he graduated from Loyola University School of Law.


This isn't Lisa's First bite at the Judicial Misfit Apple Tree. She previously received an award which can be viewed by visiting the URL at the end of this article. 


FYI: Former Gov. Gray Davis was duped into appointing Lisa as a Los Angeles County Superior Court judge in 2001. Lisa didn’t receive the appointments because she was the most qualified attorney in the greater Los Angeles area. She received them because she had proven to be a reliable lackey for the local political hacks.


It should be noted that Lisa has had her significant snout firmly implanted in the public trough for the past forty-one (41) years. Apparently, no self-respecting law firm in the greater Los Angeles area was about to offer Lisa a good paying job.


In one matter, Lisa was a member of a judicial misconduct panel reviewing the conduct of Los Angeles Superior Court judge Michael J. O’Gara. The egregious misconduct involving Judge O’Gara can be found by viewing the URL at the end of this article.


Even though Judge O’Gara should have been tossed off the bench for his outrageous conduct, Lisa voted to punish him by gifting him with a “private admonition.” This would have meant that O’Gara’s misconduct would have remained a secret and thereby concealed from the folks in the Los Angeles area that had an absolute right to be informed of said misconduct.


As we speak (ca. June 2022), Lisa practices her so-called idea of jurisprudence as a Los Angeles County Superior Court judge in Los Angeles, California.


Judge Lisa Lench of Los Angeles; Cheerleader for perjuring Judge





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