► Judge Sandy Leal of Sacramento, CA; incompetent boob Print E-mail
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Judge Sandy Leal of Sacramento, CA; incompetent boob


The state of California provided Sandy Nunes Leal with a law license in 1980 after she graduated from Boston College School of Law.


FYI: Former Gov. Jerry Brown was duped into appointing Johnny as a Orange County Superior Court judge in 2018. Sandy didn’t receive the nomination because she was the most qualified attorney in the greater Santa Ana area. She received it because she had proven to be a reliable lackey for the local political hacks.


In one matter, Sandy presided over a case involving the termination of a marriage. In her infinite ignorance, Sandy dissolved the marriage without holding a hearing to determine if there was merit to the wife’s contention that her husband lacked the mental capacity to determine that he wanted a divorce after a marriage that had lasted 39 years.


Subsequently, Division Three of the Fourth District Court of Appeal reversed Sandy’ absurd ruling and in doing so made the following findings.

  • “Mental capacity is required to enter into a valid marriage….Lack of capacity therefore can be raised as a defense to a petition for dissolution of marriage.”
  • “The requisite mental capacity must be maintained throughout the dissolution action.”
  • “The judgment of dissolution is reversed.”

And lastly, it should be noted that the Former Great Leader Donald Trump actually had the chutzpah to nominate Incompetent Sandy for a lifetime position as a U.S. District Court judge for the Eastern District of California in Sacramento. Luckily for the residents in the greater Sacramento area, the nomination never proceeded to be taken up by the Senate.


As we speak (ca. August 2021), Sandy continues to practice his so-called brand of jurisprudence as a U.S. District Court Judge for the Eastern District of California in Sacramento.



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