► Judge William Follett of Crescent City, CA; disgusting misogynist Print E-mail
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Judge William Follett of Crescent City, CA; disgusting misogynist


The state of California presented William H. Follett with a law license in 1979 after he graduated from the University San Francisco Law School.


In one matter, Billy presided over the rape case Brock Turner who was charged with raping his sister.


Turner subsequently pled guilty to raping his drugged younger sister. However, Billy the Misogynist and Apologist for perverts and rapists sentenced Turner to serve four (4) months in jail.


Billy gave out this outrageous sentence even though Turner admitted that he gave his 16-year-old sister high-potency marijuana “dabs” and repeatedly asked her to have sex. On numerous occasions she said no until she became so “out of it” that she no longer recognized him as her brother. (Eric Levenson, CNN)


In a lame effort at levity, Billy defended his obnoxious sentence by stating that the “stigma” of the conviction and sex offender registration were sufficient to deter Turner and others in the community to ostensibly drug and rape their young siblings.


And lastly, if movie mogul Harvey Weinstein is ever criminally charged with rape, he may want to demand that his case be heard by the Dishonorable William Follett.


As we speak (ca. November 2017), Billy continues to sit as a the presiding Del Norte County Superior Court judge in Crescent City, California. 


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