► Judge Joan Lewis of San Diego; incompetent loser Print E-mail
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Judge Joan Lewis of San Diego; incompetent loser


The state of California presented Joan Marie Lewis with a law license in 1987.


In one matter, Joan was assigned to preside over an estate case wherein James the firm of DLP Piper LPA and its employees were involved as trustees.


Subsequently, the estate sued DLP for providing incompetent advice (legal malpractice), misappropriating assets, failure to pay taxes and for paying law firm fees it wasn’t entitled, causing at least $300,000 in losses to the trust.


Joan later dismissed the plaintiff’s lawsuit by ignorantly ruling that the statute of limitations had run on the malpractice claim because the plaintiff’s were aware of the malpractice before the tolling statute expired. The plaintiffs then appealed Joan’s ruling to the Court of Appeals.


The Court of Appeal summarily reversed Joan’s moronic dismissal of the plaintiff’s lawsuit by emphatically stating that the statute of limitations had not run as Joan had mindlessly ruled.


Of course Joan doesn’t give a damn how much her incompetence cost the taxpayers of California and San Diego County. She well knows that no judge has ever been removed from office by the Judicial Commission for being a Moron.


As we speak (ca. February 2016), Joan continues to sit as a San Diego Superior Court judge in San Diego, California. 


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