► Judge James Mize of Sacramento;ass-kissing bullshitter Print E-mail
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Judge James Mize of Sacramento; ass-kissing bullshitter


The state of California presented James Mize with a law license in 1972.


In 2000, Mize ascended to a seat as a Sacramento County Superior Court judge in the Family Court Division.


Jimmy was sitting on the bench when his friend and associate, Judge Peter “Chainsaw” McBrien was convicted of criminally destroying 100-year-old trees on government property to improve his view of the American River.


Jimmy was also on the bench when Chainsaw was brought up on charges in 2008 for intentionally setting out to destroy the life of Ulf Carlsson who was a litigant in a family matter presided over by the Chainsaw.


When a hearing came about by the Judicial Commission regarding the Chainsaw’s unconstitutional and perverted conduct aimed at destroying Mr. Carlsson, Jimmy decided to give character testimony on behalf of the Chainsaw. That laughable and obviously specious testimony is as follows:

  • As a family law attorney I found him to be fair, impartial and courteous, patient, dignified [when criminally cutting down trees on public property]
  • An absolute asset to the Sacramento County Family Court
  • I had the good fortune of being right next to him (when he was cutting down trees)
  • I considered him to be the expert in family law
  • Absolutely invaluable ass, I’m sorry I mean asset for me
  • The Chainsaw’s a judge you’re delighted as having as Presiding Judge
  • Absolute asset to Sacramento County Superior Court

How is it possible for Jimmy or anyone else to testify to McBrien’s good character when they know he’s a convicted criminal? Maybe it takes on to know one or sympathize with one!


If justice were truly being served in Sacramento, Jimmy the Bullshitter should have been investigated for perjury.


Hopefully, the Chainsaw fully reimbursed Jimmy for the costs he incurred in purchasing an Industrial Pair of Kneepads and a large tube of ChapStick for the laughable testimony he gave on behalf of the Chainsaw.


Jimmy is yet another celebrated loser and misfit sitting on the Family Court in Sacramento County. It is truly disheartening to know that Jimmy as those of his ilk are allowed to remain on the bench while they cheerfully deprive litigants of their rights.


Of course the damage that Jimmy and the losers he assigns to lucrative positions as guardian ad litems, have absolutely no concern for the damage they visit on the children that unfortunately appear in Jimmy’s Court of Injustice.


As we speak (ca. July 2014), Jimmy remains sitting on the bench as a Sacramento County Superior Court judge. 


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