► Judge Joseph Russo of Cleveland; Misogynist, Lush, Liar, Moron Print E-mail
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Judge Joseph Russo of Cleveland; Misogynist, Lush, Liar, Moron 


Unfortunately, Judge Joseph Russo has been a Juvenile Court judge on the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas located in Cleveland.
Over the past couple of years in a successful effort to cement his status among Judicial Misfits in Ohio, as an accomplished misogynist, pysical abuser of women, and a  die-in-the-wool lush, Judge Joseph Russo was arrested and subsequently convicted (pleaded guilty) of several criminal misdemeanors.
The crimes that Judge Joseph Russo pleaded guilty too relate to the following conduct:
  • On 09/06/2006, Judge Russo and his girlfriend were involved in a physical skirmish and Russo was charged with and pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct and intoxication
  • On 07/04/2007, Judge Russo again was involved in a physical altercation with his girlfriend that led a neighbor to call police, but by the time police arrived, Judge Russo had fled
Domestic Violence Protection Order v. Judge Joseph Russo
As a result of the repeated beatings visited upon her by Judge Joseph Russo, his girlfriend asked the Rocky River Municipal Court to issue a domestic violence protection order to protect her from further beatings by Russo.
When the Police interviewed Judge Joseph Russo in regards to the physical altercation of the 4th of July, Judge Joseph Russo denied it happened. However, when police told him of the domestic-violence charge, he then claimed his girlfriend attacked him. The next day (July 5, 2007), the Judge in Rocky River granted the domestic-violence protection order against Judge Russo in hopes that it would prevent him from beating his girlfriend in the near future.
This impotent louse had the chutzpah to claim his girlfriend was guilty of assaulting him when in truth it was the other way around. What a loser!
Punishment for Judge Joseph Russo
Because judges in Ohio as elsewhere are held to a “lower standard of conduct” than we are, Judge Russo received a complimentary one-year suspension of his license which was stayed, meaning it wasn’t enforced. He also was directed to continue to attend AA and Anger Management meetings.
Here we have a celebrated drunk, abuser, liar and convict (pleaded guilty to at least 3 or 4 criminal misdemeanors) sitting on the bench in Cleveland. Isn’t that just delightful? 

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