► Magistrate Judge Carolyn Duvelius of Lebanan, OH; congenital liar, loser Print E-mail
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Magistrate Judge Carolyn Duvelius of Lebanan, OH; congenital liar, loser

The Ohio Supreme Court presented Carolyn Duvelius with a law license in 1988 after she graduated from the University of Dayton Law School.
Disciplinary Counsel of the Ohio Surpeme Court recently filed misconduct charges against Judge Duvelius regarding her deceitful conduct during her attempt to be elected as a Common Pleas Judge in Warren County.
During the election, Carolyn false asserted in campaign literature that she had judicial experience when in fact she was never a judge. Magistrates are not judges in Ohio because they are merely appointed by sitting judges to assist them in attending to their dockets.
In Feb 2011, Judge Don Oda, Carolyn’s opponent sent her an e-mail asking her to correct her false assertion that she had judicial expeience, a request she refused to comply with.
Carolyn’s lies didn’t do her any good because she lost the election to Judge Oda.
One thing the good folks in Warren County don’t need is another lying judge sitting on the bench.
Hopefully the Ohio Supreme Court will send Carolyn packing from her position as a Magistrate and also disbar her.
She can always seek employment as a greeter at the local Sam’s Club.

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