► Judge Nancy Russo of Cleveland, OH; moronic loser Print E-mail
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Judge Nancy Russo of Cleveland, OH; moronic loser


The state of Ohio presented Nancy Margaret Russo with a law license in 1982 after she graduated from the Cleveland State University School of Law.


FYI: Cleveland State University Law School is ranked as the 125th best law school in the country out of 200 ABA (American Bar Association) accredited law schools.


In one matter, Nancy the Boob issued an order regarding the Cleveland Fire Department’s move to change the starting time of its 24-hour shifts. (Dan Trevas)


Subsequently, Nancy’s asinine order was appealed to the Ohio Supreme Court. In its reversal of Nancy’s absurd order, the Court said in part:


“Judge Russo patently and unambiguously lacks jurisdiction over a complaint filed by Cleveland’s firefighters’ union to block the shift change announced in December 2018.”


Of course, Nancy the Boob doesn’t much give a damn how many times her asinine orders are overruled by a higher court since she understands no judge in Ohio has ever been removed from the bench for being a total moron.


In fact, engaging in moronic behavior is in many instances a steppingstone to higher office.


As we speak (ca. July 2018), Nancy the Boob continues to sit as a Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court judge in Cleveland, Ohio.



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