► Judge Daniel Gaul of Cleveland; Il Duce Wannabee, ethical leper-con, Dumbo Print E-mail
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Judge Daniel Gaul of Cleveland; Il Duce Wannabee, ethical leper-con, Dumbo

FYI: Il Duce is none other than Benito Mussolin, the depostic leader of Italy and ally of Adolph Hitler.
Unfortunately, Danny was presented with a law license from the Ohio Supreme Court in 1981. Even more unfortunate was Danny’s appointment as a Common Please Judge in Cleveland in 1991 by former Gov. Richard Celeste.
Recently, the Board of Commissioners on Grievances and Discipline found Danny Boy guilty of misconduct as the result of his acts during a criminal proceeding, some of which is as follows:
When Ms. Emma Ingram, an 83-year-old victim failed to show to testify at the start of Jeffrey Robinson’s assault trial, Il Duce threatened to have Robinson “bound and gagged” and accused him of crimes that had not yet been proven, including obstruction of justice, kidnapping and smoking crack.

Danny the Dumbo then told Mr. Robinson, “I would bet my life, if I had to right now, that you have been involved in a technical kidnapping.” [Speaking of Ms. Ingram’s absence from the trial]
Subsequently, it was learned that Ms. Ingram had turned up at a kidney dialysis center. Put simply, she wasn’t the victim of a technical kidnapping as Danny the Loon stated.
For his misconduct the enablers and apologists for Judicial Misfits sitting on the Ohio Supreme Court punished Danny Boy by gifting him with a complimentary reprimand and a 6-month suspension of his law license that it then suspended.
It should be noted that Ohio Supreme Court Justices Maureen O’Connor and Judith Ann Lanzinger voted to suspend Danny’s law license for one-year. Kudos to them!
As we speak (June 2011) Danny the loser remains on the bench in Cleveland.

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