► Judge Karen Herman of New Orleans; ethical gremlin Print E-mail
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Judge Karen Herman of New Orleans; ethical gremlin


The state of Louisiana provided Karen K. Herman with a law license in 1994 after she graduated from Tulane University Law School.


Prior to ascending to the bench, Karen was employed as an Assistant District Attorney. During her tenure as a DA, Karen found it acceptable to sign what has charitably referred to as “fake subpoenas” that she issued in order to gain an advantage in a pending criminal case.


In one matter, Karen signed arrest warrants for two witnesses because they hadn’t complied with the fake subpoenas that she had served upon them.


This outrageous conduct was aimed at placing notches on Karen’s conviction belt and had everything to do with her refusal to comply with the oath of office she took as an attorney and as an Assistant District Attorney.


As punishment for her egregious misconduct, Karen was given the opportunity which led to her succeeding in duping the voters in the greater New Orleans area into electing her judge for the Orleans Parish Criminal Court in New Orleans in November 2007.


As we speak (ca. October 2018), Judge Herman continues to sit as a Criminal Court judge in New Orleans, Louisiana.



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