► Judge Kimberly Best of Charlotte, NC; potty mouth pugilist Print E-mail
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Judge Kimberly Best of Charlotte, NC; potty mouth pugilist


The State of North Carolina provided Kimberly Y. Best with a law license in 1994 after she graduated from the Indiana University School of Law.


FYI: Kim has had her significant snout firmly implanted in the public trough for the past twenty-one (21) years. Apparently, no self-respecting law firm in the greater Charlotte area was about to offer her a good paying job.

  • Accused in a legal filing of domestic violence
  • Kim filed a lawsuit in late 2019 against a woman she claimed had an affair with her ex-husband, Randall Staton, while Kim and Randy were still married
  • Kim’s lawsuit sought more than $25,000 from the woman for alienation of affection
  • The woman Kim sued filed a motion to dismiss and alleged in her answer to Kim’s lawsuit that Kim was verbally and physically abusive Randy while the couple were married
  • The woman went on to state that on more than one occasions, Kim forcibly grabbed, pushed, or punched Randy, leaving bruises on Randy’s arm
  • The woman also stated that Kim aggressively approached Randy while holding a firearm and accused him of committing marital misconduct
  • On one occasion, Kim kicked a hole in her bathroom door while married to Randy
  • The woman stated that Kim routinely called Randy names, like “bitch ass nigger” and “punk motherfucker”
  • According to the woman, Kim often threatened Randy with physical violence and financial ruin, both directly and indirectly
  • Police records show that officers were called to the Best home seven (7) times in a six-month period
  • One police report, written by an officer responding to a call from the house, reported that Kim “picked up a pair of scissors” and said “Get the fuck away from me!’”
  • Kim called Randy a “Stupid Bitch” and said to him, “I told you not to fuck with me”
  • Kim’s so-called attorney Charles Everage, threatened to sue the police station if it ever published the story of Kim’s criminal and/or quasi criminal antics

As is routine in the Judicial Industry, Kim’s conduct was never investigated by the Carolina Judicial Standards Commission on Judicial Performance. In fact, the Civil Division of the Mecklenburg County Clerk of Court’s Office has failed to make the file on Kim available to the public despite rules that prohibit concealment of public court filings.


As we speak (ca. February 2023), Kim dispenses her so-called idea of jurisprudence as a Mecklenburg County Superior Court judge in Charlotte, North Carolina.


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