► State Sen. Marty Quinn (R-OK): Today’s “Moronic Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner Print E-mail

► State Sen. Marty Quinn (R-OK): Today’s “Moronic Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner


Marty succeeded in duping the folks in the greater Oklahoma City area into electing him to represent them in the Oklahoma State Senate in 2014.


To prove his allegiance and status as one of The Great Leader’s reliable sycophants, Marty along with his like-minded comrade Sen. Nathan Dahm recently (ca. November 2019) introduced legislation renaming a section of Route 66 after The Great Leader. However, he only did so after he after he applied a thick coat of Boudreaux’s Butt Paste for that ultimate protection. In support of his laughable legislation, Marty made the following hyperbolic (BS) statements.

  • “I am proud to have co-authored Senate Bill 1098 with Senator Nathan Dahm.”
  • “It will rename a section of Oklahoma’s famous Route 66 ‘President Donald J. Trump Highway.’”
  • “President Trump’s policies have made a positive impact on Oklahoma’s economy, and he has consistently stood up for the conservative values on which America was built.”

It would have been more appropriate if Marty had proposed legislation honoring The Great Leader by renaming a portion or portions of Route 66 as follows.

  • President Donald J. Trump Pussy Grabbing Highway
  • President Donald J. Trump Degenerate Liar Highway
  • President Donald J. Trump Serial Draft Dodger Highway

It appears that Marty is auditioning for an appointment from The Great Leader to be the next director of the U.S. Department of Energy in the event he wins reelection in November 2020.


As we speak (ca. November 2019), Marty continues to sit as a member of the Oklahoma State Senate.



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