► Attorney Joe diGenova: Today’s “Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner Print E-mail

Attorney Joe diGenova: Today’s “Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner


The District of Columbia provided Joey with a law license after he graduated from Georgetown University School of Law in 197.


During a recent episode of the Sean Hannity Comedy Show, Joey decided to further establish his bona fides as a Sophomoric Sycophant (SS) and Serial Trump Ass-Kisser.


After he, and his so-called wife Victoria Toensing and his boyfriend Hannity lathered up their severely chapped lips with a tube of Industrial Strength Chapstick, the 3 Trump Stooges engaged in the following conversation, all of which was intended to feed some additional red meat to Hannity’s low I.Q. followers.



“This whistle-blower needs to go to prison. He doesn't need to be feted (celebrated); he needs to go to prison.


Sean, Sean -- I want to jump in here too, and on this false statements, how did that work?”

‘U.S. and other people made false statements about him, yeah, that was George Soros-funded NGOs who were also in bed with the State Department.”

“They were in bed with each other during that time, in the name of anti-corruption and it really means that Soros goes after his competitors.”

“Now, let me bring this full circle, this is my last point here.”

‘The whistleblower sprinkles throughout his documents footnotes referring to a publication with the initials "OCCRP."

“One guess, Sean, who funds OOCRP? George Soros.”


“Wow. All right, Joe, Victoria --


“Soros' dirty money is all over this story from day one.”


And all over Ukraine and he still has embedded people at the State Department.


“We have a lot of -- lot of ground to cover in the days to come. Thank you both.”


So, we now have a so-called Officer of the Court falsely claiming that the whistleblower should go to prison. Put simply, Joey the Buffoon (my sincerest apologies to Buffoons) agrees with The Great Leader that the whistleblower is a spy and should be treated as spies were in the past such as Julias and Ethel Rosenberg who were executed in the 1950s.


Of course, does not have any evidence that George Soros’ so-called “dirty money” is al over the story wherein The Great Leader attempted to extort a favor from Ukrainian President Zelensky to investigate Joe Biden and his son Hunter.


In Joey’s Crackbrained mind, it is perfectly acceptable for an American president to ask the head of a foreign country to embark on an investigation of his political opponent.


Hopefully, one of The Great Leader’s White House Sycophants has taken appropriate steps to reimburse Joey for his purchase of a jar of Boudreaux’s Industrial Strength Butt Paste.


Trump Ass-Kisser Award = 3

Bullshit Award Winner = 2



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