► Pat Robertson sez pervert Eric Bolling victim of conspiracy to destroy Fox Print E-mail

Pat Robertson sez pervert Eric Bolling victim of conspiracy to destroy Fox


During a recent episode of The 700 Club Comedy Show, resident comedian, serial liar and degenerate lunatic Pat Robertson decided to come to the defense of Fox’s Eric Bolling who has been accused of being yet another Fox sexual predator. Towards that end, Patty told his low I.Q. viewers:

  • “If you wanted to destroy Fox News, you really wanted to destroy them what would you do?”
  • Well, you would send some salacious material, ostensibly from one of their popular co-hosts or hosts and you’d send it out and then get it publicized and then you have some woman complain that she had gotten this salacious material from this co-host and then she would come to Fox, and Fox is so averse to any kind of legal action that they would immediately take the person off the air, so before long you would have decimated the prime-time lineup of all the Fox hosts.”
  • “Easy to do? Absolutely. Is it being done? Probably.”

Patty Baby, if someone was really interested in destroying Fox it would have a law passed prohibiting it from using the word “News.”


In a lame effort at levity, Patty called Bolling “a straight arrow.” He backed up this joke by claiming that Bolling’s appearance on The 700 Club Comedy Show and because he’s a catholic as reason why he’s “a very nice man.”


Oh yeah Patty! Never been a Catholic that wasn’t a nice feller, right Patty? Whoops, my bad forgot about the pedophile priests in Boston who were all “good Catholics.”


Patty went on to compare sexual predator allegations against Bolling to the ones that were lodged against Bill O’Reilly and the late Roger Ailes. Patty then made the following laughable comments.

  • “They got rid of O’Reilly, who was the top getter of audience, the most popular host they had.”
  • “They got rid of Roger Ailes, the architect who put it all together.”

So now we have the Right Rev. Patty defending serial sexual predators O’Reilly and Ailes who Fox fired after there was no dispute that they were Disgusting Perverts. In fact, Fox has to date paid out tens of millions of dollars to the victims of O’Reilly and Ailes.


Hopefully, Eric Bolling and/or one of his surrogates has reimbursed Rev. Pat for the costs he incurred in purchasing a pair of Industrial Strength Knee Pads for the purpose of genuflecting in Bolling’s honor.


For additional stories about Patty visit the articles listed below.

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