► Trump’s 8th post-election lie: Golfer Arnold Palmer “turned away at the polls” Print E-mail

Trump’s 8th post-election lie: Golfer Arnold Palmer “turned away at the polls”


During a recent (late Jan 2017) episode of lying at a dinner with congressional leaders, Donald “Trumporleone” Trump decided to spew forth an additional falsehood in support of his patently false claims that as many as 5 million people voted illegally, thereby allowing Hillary to win the popular vote by 2.9 million votes.


The Don supported his claim of massive voter fraud by stating that golfer Arnold Palmer, I’m sorry, I mean German pro golfer Bernhard Langer whom the president described as a friend was “turned away at the polls.”


Witnesses at the dinner told The New York Times that The Don said that Langer told Trump that was turned away at the polls in Florida while others who didn’t look as if they should be allowed to vote could cast provisional ballots. The Don didn’t tell his fellow bigots at the dinner what the people who “shouldn’t be able to vote” looked like, but he named some Latin American countries, so they obviously had that Latino look.


It didn’t take long for the press to out The Don for telling another whopper. In fact, Langer is a German citizen, though he has a home in Florida, and can’t vote in the U.S., nor did he try to vote. Moreover, Langer’s daughter said that her dad is “not a friend of President Trump’s.”


When queried about the matter by The Times, Langer said:

  • “The voting situation reported was not conveyed from me to President Trump, but rather was told to me by a friend.”
  • “I then relayed the story in conversation with another friend, who shared it with a person with ties to the White House.”
  • “From there, this was misconstrued. I am not a citizen of the United States, and cannot vote.”

Would it have made any difference in confirming that The Don’s a Serial Liar if he said that he spoke with Arnold Palmer on January 27, 2017?


What’s next on The Don’s Liar’s Agenda?  Will he tell us he spoke with former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher just prior to nominating Rex Tillerson.


For additional stories about The Don’s post-election lies go to the articles categorized below.

  1. Trump’s 7th post-election lie: size of inaugural crowd: Art. 7 Liar Award
  2. Trump’s 6th post-election lie: 96 million want jobs and can’t get one: Art. 6 Liar Award
  3. Trump’s post-election Lie No. 5: Mexico’s paying for the Wall: Art. 5 Liar Award
  4. Trump’s post-election Lie No. 4: I’m gonna sue them lying women: Art. 4 Liar Award
  5. Trump’s 3rd post-election Lie: Hillary’s going to jail: Art. 3 Liar Award
  6. Trump’s 2nd post-election lie: I saved Ford plant from moving to Mexico: Art. 2 Liar Award
  7. Trump's 1st post-election Lie: I never settle lawsuits: Art. 1 Liar Award

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