► Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX): Today’s “Humanitarian” Award Winner Print E-mail

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX): Today’s “Humanitarian” Award Winner

Congratulations to….
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)
Today’s “Humanitarian” Award Winner
Teddy is another lawyer who apparently did very well while attending law school in learning the art of fear-mongering, hate speech, and spewing forth pure hyperbolic (BS) comments. In fact, Teddy claims to have graduated magna scum laude from Harvard Law School.
In an ongoing effort to prove his bona fides with the fringe members of the Tea Party in bad-mouthing immigration reform legislation, Teddy decided it was time to show his compassionate side in regards to undocumented immigrants.
One of Teddy and the Tea Party’s core arguments against immigration reform was that it would cost them (wink, wink) billions in taxes by providing government goodies to the 12 million Illegals in the country. Unfortunately for Teddy and his Tea Party supporters, this claim was totally debunked by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) when it recently reported that immigration reform would dramatically reduce the federal budget deficit.
In response to the CBO report, Teddy went on the Senate floor (ca. 06/18/13) to argue that immigration reform should be opposed for the sake of undocumented immigrants. While speaking, Teddy stood before a blown-up photo of a graveyard with the unnamed persons who had been killed crossing the border.
Teddy then went on to say,
  • “No one cares about our humanity would want to maintain a system where the border isn’t secure.”
  • “Vulnerable women and children” are being preyed upon by drug dealers and being “left to die in the desert.”
  • “This is a system that produces human tragedy.”
  • “And the most heartbreaking aspect of this gang of eight bill is it will perpetuate this tragedy.”
  • “It will not fix the problem. It will not secure the borders.”
Of course Teddy was feigning concern for the safety and welfare of “vulnerable women and children.” In fact, Teddy and/or many of his Tea Party comrades have demanded that we build an electrified fence on the border so that we can fry any unwanted aliens.
Apparently, in Teddy the Humanitarians fevered mind, frying them at the border is as humane as we can get. 
Congrats Teddy; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of America’s Most Accomplished “Humanitarians”; you are far too humble.

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