► Gov. Scott Walker: Today’s “Humanitarian” Award Winner Print E-mail

Gov. Scott Walker: Today’s “Humanitarian” Award Winner

Congratulations to….
Gov. Scott Walker
Today’s “Humanitarian” Award Winner
In the recent past, Gov. Walker appointed Joshua Inglett, a student at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville to a seat on the state Board of Regents.
Subsequently, Scotty discovered that Joshua had previously signed the petition to have a recall vote to oust him from office.
In response to learning of Joshua’s recall vote, Scotty did what any Humanitarian and Born Again Christian would do, he decided to get even.
Scotty then had one of his lackey’s at the statehouse call Joshua to tell him he wasn’t getting the position with the Board of Regents. (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
Apparently, Scotty the Humanitarian lacked the courage to personally tell Joshua he was basically being fired. Of course this is exactly the kind of conduct one would expect from a practicing coward like Scotty.
Congrats Scotty; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of America’s most Disrespected “Humanitarians”; you are far too humble.

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