► The Federalist Society: Today’s “Coronavirus Humanitarian” Award Winner Print E-mail

The Federalist Society: Today’s “Coronavirus Humanitarian” Award Winner


The Federalist Society is made up of a group of right-wing ideologues, which includes five (5) of the current justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh, Neil Gorsuch, Clarence Thomas, John Roberts, and Samuel Alito, all of whom were former or are current members.


In commenting on the Coronavirus pandemic, the Moronic Humanitarians at the Society had the chutzpah to make the following statements.  

  • “Is it right for the nation to require our children’s futures be destroyed to keep alive less than 1 percent of our population until the next flu season?”

1 percent of the population would mean that these Humanitarian Buffoons are content with having over 3 million American dies of the Coronavirus.

  • “So, the barbaric, panicky elevation of mere life as the only good worth conserving is becoming increasingly shameful.”
  • “Is death the worst thing that could happen to you?”

The answer to, “is death the worst thing that could happen to you,” I would respond by saying Trump’s reelection is “the worst thing that could happen to us.”


Executive Federalist editor Joy Pullman proved she was a Uniquely Qualified Moron by saying:

  • “Like the greatest generation, we owe it to our nation to face danger bravely.”
  • “Our ancestors risked much worse to give us the best country in the world: cholera outbreaks, amputations without anesthesia, hand-to-paw combat with bears and panthers, natives who ruled territory through slavery and torture, establishing homes in a forbidding wilderness amid outbreaks of starvation and disease, volunteering to fight from poisoned foxholes, perilous trips in rickety ships across a dark ocean.”

What in the hell does fighting Hitler or engaging in hand-to-paw combat with bears have to do with fighting a pandemic virus? This just further proves how moronic this organization is.


The scariest part of this story is the fact that 5 of the 9 of the justices on the Supreme Court and 25 of the 30 federal appellate court Trump nominees were current or former members of the society.


And lastly, if Trump is reelected in November 2020, it’s a good bet that the Supreme Court will end up being 7 former or current Federalists on the court.



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