► Tony Perkins says: ISIS aided by Separation of Church and State Print E-mail

Tony Perkins says: ISIS aided by Separation of Church and State



This isn’t the first Award presented to Tony. In the past, he has been the recipient of thirty-three (33) Awards in various categories and/or the subject of one (1) opinion piece. Those awards and opinion piece are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


Comedian Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council recently (09/16/14) said that separation of church and state in the U.S. of A. has contributed to the rise of Islamic extremist groups such as ISIS. Tony went on to assert that ISIS has “filled the void left by secularism.”


Apparently, Tony the Loon is arguing that Americans would not have left the country to join ISIS if the U.S. government were allowed to promote Christianity over other religious faiths.


Tony’s hyperbolic (BS) comments don’t pass the involuntary laugh test. If the government were allowed to join hands with Christians in preaching the faith, you can be sure that Tony would demand that it follow the precepts of the Southern Baptists to the exclusion of every other recognized faith in the country.


Would the Loon have us believe that a partnership of the government and Christianity would lead to the elimination of folks purchasing porn or alcoholic products?


One thing we can be assured of and that is that Tony’s rant regarding separation of church and state is nothing more than an ongoing attempt to financially enrich himself via contributions from those who actually tune in to listen to his crap.

  1. Ass-Kisser Award = 2
  2. Bigot Award Winner = 5
  3. Bullshit Award Winner = 7
  4. Homophobe Aware Winner = 2
  5. Liar Award Winner = 1
  6. Lunatic Award Winner = 6
  7. MoronAward Winner = 2
  8. Rodney Dangerfield Award Winner = 4
  9. Screwball Award Winner = 4
  10. Elmer Gantry Wannabee Tony Perkins attacks reversal of Prop 8: Dawg Opinions Art. 239 







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