► Reince Priebus: Today’s “Lunatic” Award Winner Print E-mail

Reince Priebus: Today’s “Lunatic” Award Winner

Congratulations to….
Reince Priebus
Today’s “Lunatic” Award Winner
Reinhold Reince Priebus was born in Dover, New Jersey in 1972. In 1998 the state of Wisconsin presented Reince with a law license after he graduated scum laude from the University of Miami.
In January 2011, Reince succeeded in duping members of the Republican Party to elect him as its Chairma. Even though he presided over an ass-whooping by Obama and losses in the Senate and Congress in November 2012, Reince the Loser was successful in being reelected as GOP Chairman in early 2013. This sort of proves that the GOP certainly wasn’t looking for a “few good men” or even one good man for that matter.
After Reince and those of his ilk failed to fix the election by limiting voter registration and creating hours-long waits in poor and minority districts, they decided that the best way to win the next presidential election is to manipulate the votes of the Electoral College.
Many vote-rich states such as Florida, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin are by definition “blue states,” however, in those states, the state legislatures and Governorships are in the firm control of Republicans. Reince and his fellow losers have endorsed a proposition that would no longer award a state’s electoral voters to the candidate receiving the most votes. Instead it would award electoral votes by congressional district. If this perverted system was in place in November 2012, Romney would be the president.
In commenting on this perversion of the electoral process, Reince said, “I think it’s something that a lot of states that have been consistently blue that are fully controlled red out to be looking at.”
Assuming that Reince and his fellow flimflammers don’t succeed in conning state legislatures to go along with this scam, then I would suggest that he support the following changes in state election laws, which would of course only apply to the states that supported Obama in 2012.
Reduce early voting to one day
Open polling places at 9:00 am and close them at 4:00 pm which would mean working stiffs (Democrats) would have to forfeit a day’s wages to cast a vote
Provide liberal leaning polling places with only one voting machine
Incorporating the above new voting rules would likely result in a GOP presidential victory in 2016 even if the Democratic candidate outpolled the GOP candidate by 10 million votes. Is America a great country or what?
Congrats Reince; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of America’s certified Lunatics; you are far too humble.


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