► Rep. John Boehner: Today’s “Lunatic” Award Winner Print E-mail

Rep. John Boehner: Today’s “Lunatic” Award Winner

Congratulations to….
Rep. John Boehner
Today’s “Lunatic” Award Winner
As we all know, Rep. John Boehner is the Speak of the House of Representatives. John hails from Ohio, the Buckeye state. John is the perfect symbol as to why a Buckeye is defined as a “worthless nut.”
In John’s ongoing war against Obama, he continues to threaten to place the country’s credit standing in jeopardy by demanding absurd concessions before allowing a vote in the House on increasing the debt ceiling. In John’s demented mind, he actually believes that he and his fellow screwballs in the House have the leverage on this matter.
During a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal’s Stephen Moore, John the Loon threatened to only agree to “monthly” debt ceiling hikes. Only a total moron (my apologies to morons) would even make such a suggestion.
John’s monthly debt ceiling threat would be like threatening to throw Rep. Eric Cantor into Lake Superior donned with cement shoes once a month, and refusing to toss him a lifeline unless Obama succumbed to Johnny’s asinine demands. On second thought, this might not be enough motivation for Obama to succumb to Johnny’s threats.
By the way, this is the same hypocrite that invoked his 5th Amendment right to remain silent when he repeatedly voted to increase the debt ceiling when Bush was President.
Congrats John; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of America’s most accomplished Lunatics; you are far too humble.

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