► Former State Sen. Russell Pearce of Arizona: Today’s “Llunatic” Award Winner Print E-mail

Former State Sen. Russell Pearce of Arizona: Today’s “Llunatic” Award Winner

Congratulations to….
Arizona State Sen. Russell Pearce
Today’s “Lunatic” Award Winner
In an ongoing effort to prove that he is one of America’s Premier Loons, Russell decided to comment on the recent tragedy that took place at a suburban Denver movie theatre that left 12 dead and over 50 wounded.
Russell opined that one of the people in the theater should have been able to take the shooter down.
In a Facebook comment, Russell criticized the theatre goers in the theater for lacking courage and for not being armed. He went on to say, “if they had been [armed], they could have saved lives.”
In truth, Russell the Loon found it acceptable to blame the unfortunate victims of the massacre despite the fact that the shooter was fully dressed in bulletproof gear and armed to the teeth.
As we speak (ca. August 2012), Russell is asking the voters to again elect him to the Arizona Senate even though they just tossed him out of office via a recall.
If Russell succeeds in being elected to the State Senate, maybe he should consider proposing legislation mandating that all theater goers carry concealed weapons. For child attendees, he could mandate that they be armed with at least one hand grenade since they wouldn’t qualify as marksmen.
If Russell feels a little squeamish about proposing mandatory arming of theater goers, he could at least require that when a Batman movie is being shown at any theater in Arizona that, the theater owner be compelled to have the Batmobile parked at the front door.
Congrats Russell; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of America’s Premier Loons; you are far too humble.

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