► Donald “Trumporleone” Trump: Today’s “IHOP Flip-Flop” Award Winner Print E-mail

Donald “Trumporleone” Trump: Today’s “IHOP Flip-Flop” Award Winner


This isn’t the first award presented to The Great Leader. In the past he has been the subject of 534 awards, 111 opinion pieces and 85 laments. For a list of the prior awards and/or articles, see the items detailed at the end of this article.


Below are a few of the glowing compliments spoken about Gen. Jim Mattis by The Great Leader before Mattis wrote a scathing opinion piece excoriating him as a total loser.

  • “He is some great man.
    “He is a man of honor, a man of devotion and a man of total action.”
  • “He is the right man at the right time.”
  • “General Mattis is the living embodiment of the Marine Corps motto Semper Fidelis, ‘always faithful.’”
  • “And the American people are fortunate that a man of this character and integrity will now be the civilian leader atop the Department of Defense.”

Now here are the laughable comments about Gen. Mattis spewed forth by The Great Leader after his opinion piece was published.

  • “Probably the only thing Barack Obama & I have in common is that we both had the honor of firing Jim Mattis, the world’s most overrated General.”
  • “I asked for his letter of resignation & felt great about it.”
  • “His nickname was “Chaos”, which I didn’t like, & changed to “Mad Dog.”
  • “His primary strength was not military, but rather personal public relations.”
  • “I gave him a new life, things to do, and battles to win, but he seldom “brought home the bacon.”
  • “I didn’t like his leadership style or much else about him, and many others agree. Glad he is gone!”

For one thing, The Great Leader is lying as usual when he says he fired Mattis, when in fact he resigned, a fact proven by Trump’s former chief of staff Jim Kelly who confirmed that Mattis resigned.


And lastly, once a former employee of The Great Leader leaves the administration and speaks the truth about this Narcissistic Wannabee Emperor, he/she can be assured that they will be pilloried and repeatedly the victim of outright lies and fabrications by The Liar in Chief.


For additional post-election articles re: The Don visit the articles below

  1. Trump miscellaneous opinion articles: Art. 3 thru 75 Dawg Opinions
  2. Trump’s victims of Draining the Swamp: Art. 76 thru 86 Dawg Opinions
  3. Trump Filling the Swamp: Art. 87 thru 92 Dawg Opinions
  4. Trump miscellaneous opinion articles: Art. 93 thru 99
  5. Trump miscellaneous opinion articles: Art. 323 thru 338 Dawg Opinions 
  6. Dawg Laments: Art. 2 thru 87
  7. Ass-Kisser Awards = 8
  8. Bigot/Racist Awards = 20
  9. Bullshit Awards = 72
  10. Chicken Little Awards = 7
  11. Dumbo Awards = 5
  12. Humanitarian Award = 11
  13. IHOP (Flip-Flop) Awards = 3
  14. Liar Awards = 132
  15. Lunatic Awards = 29
  16. Misc. Awards = 95
  17. Misogynist Awards = 3
  18. Moron Awards = 48
  19. Narcissist Awards = 37
  20. Screwball Awards = 12
  21. Rodney Dangerfield Comic Awards = 52



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