► Rev. Steve Washburn says, Gays hell-bent on Imprisoning Pastors Print E-mail

Rev. Steve Washburn says, Gays hell-bent on Imprisoning Pastors


In a recent (08/12/14) homophobic rant at a Texas Values press conference, Rev. Steve Washburn of First Baptist Church in Pflugerville, Texas, laughingly claimed that gay rights activists were attempting to enact hate speech laws and toss pastors in jail.


Stevie told the Morons (my apologies to Morons) in attendance:

  • If it becomes illegal for us to stand in our pulpit and preach pro-family issues, if that biblical language becomes hate speech, if we are facing imprisonment by speaking our religion which is defended by the First Amendment, we are going to see thousands and thousands of Bible-preaching pastors going to jail.”

Of course Stevie has absolutely no evidence that members of the gay community are attempting to trample on the free speech rights of Homophobic Pastors or/or those of their ilk.


In fact, if what Stevie is saying was true, then how does he explain the free speech rights afforded to Rev. Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas whose motto was “GodHatesFags” by the United States Supreme Court?


As is the case with his fellow Bigoted Homophobes, Stevie’s foul mouth is predicated on engendering contributions from the low I.Q. bigots that tune in to listen to his crap.



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