► Rudy Giuliani: Today’s “Moronic Anti-Semite” Award Winner Print E-mail

Rudy Giuliani: Today’s “Moronic Anti-Semite” Award Winner


This isn’t the first Award presented to Rudy. In the past, he has been the recipient of twenty-one (21) Awards in various categories, the subject of two (3) opinion pieces and of one (2) laments. Those awards, opinion pieces and laments are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


During a recent (ca. August 2020) appearance on the Fox News Comedy Network, Rudy decided to further establish his bona fides as a dyed-in-the-wool bigot, anti-Semite and Serial Moron by going on the attack against Black Lives Matter. (BLM).  Towards that end, Rudy made the following statement to be digested as additional red meat by Fox’s bigoted and/or moronic followers.

  • “This is an illegal organization [BLM] and their intent is to overthrow our government.”
  • “The president should declare them a domestic terror organization and then maybe we can stop Soros from giving them $150 million.”
  • “Soros is intent on destroying our government for some sick reason of his that goes back to his sick background.”

George Soros’ so-called “sick background” consists of him being born in Budapest, Hungary and being a survivor of Nazi occupation during World War II.


How disgusting it is for anyone to attack Mr. Soros by attacking his background as a survivor of Hitler and the Nazis.


What makes Rudy’s defamatory comments worse is the fact that he comes from a family whose father was convicted of felony assault and robbery and served prison time in Sing Sing. Upon his release from Sing Sing, Rudy’s Daddy went to work as an enforcer for his brother-in-law Leo D’Avanzo, who ran a loan sharking and gambling ring in Brooklyn for organized crime.


In Rudy’s Demented World it would be perfectly acceptable for Mr. Soros to attack him and his “sick background.”

  1. 2017 Oscar Runner up Misogynist Award: Art. 14: Academy Awards
  2. Ass-Kisser Award Winner = 3
  3. Bigot Award Winner = 1
  4. Bullshit Award Winner = 3
  5. IHOP Flip-Flop Award Winner = 1
  6. Joseph Goebbels Truth-Teller Award Winner = 3
  7. Lunatic Award Winner = 2
  8. Moron Award Winner = 3
  9. Misogynist Award Winner = 1
  10. Rodney Dangerfield Comic Award Winner = 1
  11. Screwball Award Winner = 2
  12. Trump’s Chief Criminal defense attorney Bill Barr agrees to $550 per hour fee: Art. 46 Dawg Laments
  13. Trump’s replacements for Mueller’s team of 13 angry Democrats: Article 58: Dawg Laments
  14. Changing draft laws to avoid future wars: Art. 30: Dawg Opinions
  15. 2017 Donald “Trumporleone” Trump Olympics: Art. 73 Dawg Opinions
  16. What caused Rudy Giuliani to marry his cousin? – Art.194 – Dawg Opinions



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