► Obama doesn’t love America; so sayeth Rudy Giuliani Print E-mail

Obama doesn’t love America; so sayeth Rudy Giuliani 


In a recent (02/18/05) rant, former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani decided to spew forth another dose of his hyperbolic (BS) hogwash by attacking Obama.


In a speech Rudy said in part:

  • “I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America.”
  • “He doesn't love you. And he doesn't love me.”
  • “He wasn't brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love if this country.”

As you can see, Rudy makes these defamatory comments for the sole purpose of keeping his name in the news. He obviously isn’t concerned about speaking the truth. It seems as though Rudy did well in classes that dealt with spewing forth half-truths, outright fabrications and/or pure bullshit while he attended New York University (NYU) law school in the mid-1960s.


As to his laughable statement that “He doesn’t love me,” the question should be “who does?)


One thing we can be fairly sure of is that at certain times in his life, two of his three wives (he divorced the first two) may have loved him.


It would seem that his first wife Regina S. Peruggi who was Rudy’s cousin may have loved him more since they were married for 14 years.


And lastly, it could be that Rudy is thinking about running again for president and believes that repeatedly attacking Obama is a good move.


For additional pieces on Rudy go to the articles categorized below.


Why caused Rudy to  marry his cousin - Art. No. 75 Dawg Opinions


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