► Louis Gohmert says, Hillary is “mentally impaired” and has “Special Needs” Print E-mail

Louis Gohmert says, Hillary is “mentally impaired” and has “Special Needs” 


In a recent (Early-September 2016) rant, U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) went on another lying attack against Hillary Clinton. In this instance, Louie the Congenital Liar and Certifiable Lunatic told his low I.Q. supporters:

  • “You don’t make fun of people who are impaired, have special needs, and whether you like her or not, Hillary Clinton has made clear that she is mentally impaired and this is not somebody you should be making fun of.”
  • “I get the impression that in law school and along the way, she’s been very, very smart, but I don’t know, maybe it was the concussion, the fall back when she did, or maybe, who knows?”
  • “They won’t tell us what really is going on with her.”

Louie the Loon went on to say:

  • “If I were going to smash cellphones, BlackBerrys, I’d use a two-pound sledge.”
  • “Who knows? Maybe somebody got to whaling around and hit her again.” he said.
  • “I don’t know, but we need to be praying for Hillary Clinton, there’s special needs there, there’s mental impairment.”
  • “I mean seriously, she can’t remember.”

If anyone is suffering from a damaged brain it would be Louie the Loon. Over the years he has demonstrated that he is not only a Certified Lunatic but that his statements attacking anyone on the left are total lies fabricated by someone who must suffer from some mental malady.


For additional stories about Louie go to the articles categorized below

  1. Ass-Kisser Award Winner = 1
  2. Bigot/Racist Award Winner = 2
  3. Bullshit Award Winner = 3
  4. Chicken Little Award Winner = 1
  5. Dumbo Award Winner = 2
  6. Homophobe Award Winner = 1
  7. Liar Award Winner = 2
  8. Lunatic Award Winner = 5
  9. MoronAward Winner = 4
  10. Misogynist Award Winner = 1
  11. Rodney Dangerfield Award Winner = 2
  12. Screwball Award Winner = 5
  13. 2012 Top 10 Congressional Homophobes – Top 10 Award Winners
  14. Hippies and Troublemaker taking over America Gohmert: Art. 18 Ass-Kisser Awards
  15. America lost if Immigration Reform Passes: Art. 95 Bigot Awards
  16. Time to begin impeaching Judges for Marriage Equality rulings: Art. 96 Bigot Awards
  17. Obama to use Immigrants to dilute vote of Real Americans: Art. 97 Bigot Awards
  18. Self-Loathing Jews get along with Obama Gohmert Loon: Art. 110 Lunatic Awards
  19. Hillary backs Obama agenda because she fears he’ll indict her: Art. 111 Lunatic Awards
  20. Tens of Millions of American deaths due to Iran Nuclear accord: Art. 112 Lunatic Awards
  21. God gets credit if Iran Deal stopped by Congress: Art. 103 Screwball Awards
  22. No Gay Couples allowed on future Space Colonies: Art. 75 Rodney Dangerfield Awards

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