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Rudy Giuliani: Today’s “Bullshit” Award Winner


Congratulations to….


Rudy Giuliani 

Today’s “Bullshit”Award Winner 



This isn’t the first Award presented to Rush. In the past, he has been the recipient of one (1) Award and/or the subject of one (1) opinion piece. That award and opinion piece is listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


During a recent (late March 2016) appearance with comedian Neil Cavuto on the Fox News Comedy Network, Rudy decided to spew forth his usual dose of BS by going after President Obama in regards to the recent terrorist attacks in Brussels.


The following discussion then took place between the two comedians.


Rudy:  “It’s outrageous that the President of the United States is not in the situation room right now, planning to destroy ISIS.”

Neil:  “What do you think argument is, it's better that he's not? I talked to a Romney supporter who is saying "You know, if he came rushing back, he would look frantic, and he's going about his business like he tells people.”

Rudy:  “That would be like Franklin Roosevelt remaining at Warm Springs when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.”

Neil:  “But that was an attack on us, you know what I’m saying?”

Rudy:  “This is an attack on our allies. We belong to NATO. And what’s he doing? He’s sitting with a dictator [Castro in Cuba].”

Neil:  “Watching a ball game.”

Rudy:  “He’s sitting with a dictator, watching a baseball game, while innocent people are being killed in a war.”

Neil:  “He doesn’t equate it that way. You know what, and he said before that…”

Rudy:  “Well then he should give the job to somebody else.”

Neil:  "But if you were there now and looking at what you have to do; what would you do?”

Rudy:  “They [terrorists] have no worry about Barack Obama doing anything.”


Because Rudy received a law degree from NYU (New York University) it’s obvious that he did well in learning how to lie and/or fabricate falsehoods.


Rudy should be the last person anyone wants to listen to when it comes to fighting a war no matter who the enemy is. Rudy proved he was a Chicken Little when he avoided serving his country during the Vietnam War even though he was age eligible (DOB 1944).


And lastly, only the fools at the Fox Comedy Channel would seek advice from a Certified Loser and Bullshitter like Rudy.


Congrats Rudy; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Bullshitters”; you are far too humble.

  1. Bullshit Award Winner = 1
  2. Obama doesn’t love America; so sayeth Rudy Giuliani: Art. 108 Bullshit Awards
  3. What caused Rudy to marry his cousin? Art. 78 Dawg Opinions 

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