► 2012 Oscar – Leading Role as a Lunatic: Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-TX) Print E-mail

2012 Oscar – Leading Role as a Lunatic: Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-TX)


The glorious achievement of those nominated by their peers for this prestigious award was quite memorable to say the least. Put simply, the voting was very close given the accomplishments of the candidates.
Unfortunately, the state of Texas presented Louis with a law license in 1977 after he graduated from Baylor University Law School. In November 2005, Louis duped the voters in the Tyler and Nacogdoches area to elect him to the U.S. Congress.
Some of Louis the Loon’s infamous comments are as follows:
  • At meeting of House Natural Resources Comm., stated his strong support of a trans-Alaskan pipeline as a means for the caribou to have more sex
  • Blamed the Aurora, Colorado movie shootings on the erosion of Judeo-Christian beliefs
  • Claimed the U.S. government was involved with the Muslin Brotherhood
  • After the Sandy Hook Elementary School killings, suggested the tragedy would never have happened had the teachers been armed
  • Repealing “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” would threaten the existence of the US
  • On plan to send money to China for protection of endangered species of acts and dogs said, “There’s no assurance if we did that we wouldn’t end up with Moo Goo Dog Pan or Moo Goo Cat Pan"
  • Suggested that The American Jobs Act would “encourage divorce” and was “intended as a nod to gay couples”
Can there be any doubt that Louis deserves this prestigious Oscar? I’m confident that Louis will be hard to beat as a repeat winner in 2013.

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