► 2010 Oscar – Best Judicial Actress in a Leading Role: LA Judge Judith Chirlin Print E-mail

2010 Oscar – Best Judicial Actress in a Leading Role: LA Judge Judith Chirlin

The members of the Academy are proud to announce that Judge Judith Chirlin of the Los Angeles County Superior Court has won the Oscar for Best Judicial Actress in a Leading Role.
Despite keen competition among her unethical peers who are listed below, Judge Judith Chirlin received nearly 82% of all votes cast by members of the Academy.
Judge Chirlin’s acting accomplishments in engaging in conflcits of interest are too numerous to mention herein. Suffice it to say that she went the extra mile in proving she deserved this Oscar.
  • Judge June Rose Galvin of Cleveland, Ohio
  • Judge Marilyn Diamond of New York City
  • Judge Diane Moriarty of Quincy, Massachusetts
  • Judge Monica Guerrero of San Antonio, Texas
Congrats Judith; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing performance; you are far too modest.
The Dawg~
Folsom, California



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