► Donald Trump confirms ongoing love affair with Fox News Comedy Network Print E-mail

Donald Trump confirms ongoing love affair with Fox News Comedy Network


FYI: This isn’t the first award presented to The Great Leader. In the past he has been the subject of 516 awards, 115 opinion pieces and 61 laments. For a list of the prior awards and/or articles, see the items detailed at the end of this article.


The ongoing lover affair between The Great Leader and the Fox News Comedy Network and some of Fox’s notorious Trump comedic Sycophants and Serial Ass-Kissers such as Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson and Lou Dobbs has now resulted in the tying of the knot of this group of demented liars and defamers.


In this instance, The Great Leader decided to further prove his undying love for Fox by spewing forth the following crap during a recent (ca. April 2020) appearance on Fox & Friends Comedy Show, by attacking the mainstream media such as the New York Times and Washington Post regarding reporting on the Coronavirus pandemic.

  • “They will do anything they can to hurt this presidency, and yet here we are with the best numbers we've ever had.”
  • “I don't even understand it when you can get such fake news from so many – ‘The New York Times’ is a totally dishonest paper. They're dishonest people. ‘The Washington Post.’" same thing.
  • “I'm trying to figure out for three and a half years who is more dishonest?”

The Great Leader continued with his attack on the Times and the Post by saying:

  • “Who is more corrupt? ‘The Washington Post’ or "The New York Times’"?
  • “When I figure it out, I'll let you know. We'll have a special.” [Fox TV Special]

There is no dispute that if you’re interested in being lied to about the Coronavirus then all you need to do is tune into the Fox News Comedy Network. However, if you really do want to know the truth in order to protect yourself and your loved ones, then you need to avoid tuning into Fox and listening to its lineup of sham comedians.


Sadly, there will be some folks who will eventually die from the outright lies and/or misrepresentations being foisted upon them by The Great Leader and his team of paramours (Hannity, Ingraham, Tucker, Dobbs) and the Fox News Comedy Network.


And when that happens, this group of self-serving losers will blame said deaths on the Washington Post and New York Times even though the families of the deceased never read said newspapers or they’ll blame it on Obama.


For additional post-election articles re: The Don visit the articles below

  1. Trump miscellaneous opinion articles: Art. 3 thru 75 Dawg Opinions
  2. Trump’s victims of Draining the Swamp: Art. 76 thru 86 Dawg Opinions
  3. Trump Filling the Swamp: Art. 87 thru 92 Dawg Opinions
  4. Trump miscellaneous opinion articles: Art. 93 thru 99
  5. Trump miscellaneous opinion articles: Art. 323 thru 338 Dawg Opinions 
  6. Dawg Laments: Art. 1 thru 76
  7. Ass-Kisser Awards = 8
  8. Bigot/Racist Awards = 17
  9. Bullshit Awards = 74
  10. Chicken Little Awards = 3
  11. Dumbo Awards = 4
  12. Humanitarian Award = 11
  13. IHOP (Flip-Flop) Awards = 3
  14. Liar Awards = 130
  15. Lunatic Awards = 28
  16. Misc. Awards = 83
  17. Misogynist Awards = 3
  18. Moron Awards = 44
  19. Narcissist Awards = 37
  20. Screwball Awards = 12
  21. Rodney Dangerfield Comic Awards = 51

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