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Donald Trump: Today’s “Rodney Dangerfield Comic” Award Winner


In an ongoing effort for future employment as a Standup Comedian after he’s impeached or forced to resign, The Great Leader decided to once again act as Rep. Devin Nunes Sycophant, Toady and Ass-kisser.


FYI: Rep. Nunes has dedicated the last two years acting as an enabler, apologist and Congressional Consigliore for The Great Leader in his position as Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Put simply, Devin has done everything in his power to assure that no evidence is ever uncovered by the Intelligence Committee to establish that The Great Leader and/or his campaign conspired with the Russians prior to and during the 2016 presidential election.


In thanking Devin for his valuable work on thwarting the Russiagate investigation, The Great Leader made the following laughable statements.

  • “If this all turns out like everyone thinks it will, Devin Nunes should get the Medal of Honor."
  • "He is really, what he has gone through and his bravery."

After being advised that the Medal of Honor is only presented to members of the military and not serial draft dodgers and/or losers that never served their country in Vietnam, Iraq or Afghanistan, The Great Leaders said:

  • “He should get a very important medal."
  • "Maybe we'll call it Medal of Freedom because [that's] we actually give them, high award for civilians."

If the truth meant anything to The Great Leader which it clearly does not, he would call the medal he wishes to give to Devin the “Ass-Kissers Medal of Honor.”


What’s next for The Great Leader in dishing out Medals of Honor? Will he insist on presenting Medals of Honor for courage under fire to his soul mates Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein and former Rep. Anthony Weiner.


For additional post-election articles re: The Don visit the articles below

  1. Trump miscellaneous articles: Art. 2 thru 67 Dawg Opinions
  2. Trump’s victims of Draining the Swamp: Art. 6 thru 7 Dawg Opinions
  3. Trump Filling the Swamp: Art. 79 thru 85 Dawg Opinions
  4. Trump miscellaneous articles: Art. 314 thru 329 Dawg Opinions 
  5. Dawg Laments: Art. 1 thru 37
  6. Ass-Kisser Awards: Art. 224 thru 227
  7. Bigot/Racist Awards: Art. 319 thru 330
  8. Bullshit Awards: Art. 367 thru 433
  9. Chicken Little Award Winner: Art. 18 thru 20
  10. Dumbo Award Winner: Art. 48 thru 50
  11. Humanitarian Award Winner: Art. 66 thru 72
  12. IHOP (Flip-Flop) Award Winner: Art. 48 thru 49
  13. Liar Awards: Art. 1 thru 81 Liar Awards
  14. Lunatic Awards: Art. 341 thru 357
  15. Misc. Awards: Art. 38 thru 55
  16. Misogynist Award: Art. 35
  17. MoronAwards: Art. 242 thru 257
  18. Narcissist Awards: Art. 6 thru 16
  19. Screwball Awards: Art. 278 thru 288
  20. Rodney Dangerfield Awards: Art. 208 thru 240

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