► Attorney George Kalinowski of New Brunswick, CAN; fraudster Print E-mail
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Attorney George Kalinowski of New Brunswick, CAN; fraudster


The Law Society of New Brunswick presented George E. Kalinowski with a law license in 1986 after he graduated from the University of Alberta School of Law.


The New Brunswick Law Society Disciplinary Counsel is investigating George for engaging in the following misconduct.

  • George prepared a fraudulent Condominium Warranty Deed to make a fraudulent conveyance when he prepared a Condominium Warranty Deed
  • The persons involved did not appear before George to execute the Condominium Warranty Deed nor were they aware of its purported execution
  • Engaged in conduct involving fraud, deceit, dishonesty, or misrepresentation
  • George assisted in the preparation of a fraudulent Condominium Warranty Deed in order to affect a fraudulent
  • conveyance without the knowledge and consent of two of the transferees
  • Engaged in conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice

All that remains now is to what if any punishment is meted out by the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Disciplinary Counsel.


As we speak (ca. February 2021) George practices with George E. Kalinowski PC at 212 Queen Street in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.



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