► Texas Rep. Bob Deuell of Greenville; scofflaw; certified moron, ethical leprechaun Print E-mail
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Texas Rep. Bob Deuell of Greenville; scofflaw; certified moron, ethical leprechaun


Unfortunately, Rep. Bob Deuell succeeded in duping the voters in the Greenville, Texas (Hunt County) of electing his their so-called representative to the 2nd Senate District in 2003.
Texas Ethics Opinion No.104 specifically prohibits the use of campaign funds to pay for food/groceries/beverages, dry cleaning, laundry, cleaning supplies and/or personal items while residing in Austin during legislative sessions.
In addition to being a State Senator, Bob Deuell is a board certified family physician. Since the Texas Legislature only meets six months every two years, this would clearly indicate that Sen. Bob Deuell likely earns a substantial income from practicing medicine.
Unbelievably, in 2007, Sen. Bob Deuell was named one of Texas’ Ten Best Legislators by the Texas Monthly magazine. Apparently, this was at least the second time that he was so honored. Based on this ol’ Dawg’s investigation of Sen. Bob Deuell it would appear that the folks at the Texas Monthly magazine are somewhat clueless in giving out such awards.
If Sen. Bob Deuell was qualified to be a repeat award winner, then one could safely assume that the powers-to-be at the Texas Monthly would have found it acceptable to have concluded that the conduct of the late Jeffrey Dahmer was worthy of at least one culinary award, right?
Despite these prohibitions, Sen. Bob Deuell repeatedly violated Texas Campaign laws by using campaign funds to pay for food, groceries and dry cleaning while in Austin. Those illegal expenditures are as follows:
  1. Whole Foods, 20070107, 47.38,food and beverage for Austin residence
  2. Whole Foods, 20070125, 56.44,meals / food for Austin residence
  3. Whole Foods, 20070331, 53.72,meals / food for Austin residenc
  4. Whole Foods, 20070413, 38.53,meals / food for Austin residence
  5. Whole Foods, 20070506, 25.97,meals / food for Austin
  6. Whole Foods, 20070514, 26.31,meals / food for Austin residence
  7. Whole Foods, 20070515, 14.94,meals / food for Austin residence
  8. Whole Foods, 20070518, 18.19,meals / food for Austin residence
  9. Whole Foods, 20070524, 27.83,meals / food for Austin residence
  10. Wal-Mart, 20041203, 45.24,Grocery
  11. Whole Foods, 20041101,111.79,Grocery
  12. Target, 20050114, 8.38,Austin Residence supplies
  1. Q T Cleaners, Dallas, 20050213, 16.10,Cleaners
  2. T Cleaners, Dallas, 20050213, 13.35,Cleaners
  3. Q T Cleaners, Dallas, 20050228,12.14,Cleaners
It is rather amazing to say the least that Sen. Bob Deuell is such a “cheapskate” that he’s unwilling to use his personal funds to pay for the costs of meals and food for his personal residence in Austin. Sen. Bob Deuell cheerfully engaged in this penny-ante conduct even though his contributors were footing the bill for the costs for him to rent an apartment in Austin. What a loser!!!

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