► Today’s “Corrupt Public Official” Award Winner is PA State Sen. Jane Orie Print E-mail
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Today’s “Corrupt Public Official”  Award Winner is PA State Sen. Jane Orie

Congratulations to….
Pennsylvania State Sen. Jane Orie
Today’s “Corrupt Public Official” Award Winner
The WatchDawg is proud to announce that Pennsylvania State Senator Jane Orie is the winner of this prestigious award, despite keen competition among like-minded Dumbo’s (aka, corrupt public officials).
In addition to being a certified Dumbo and corrupt politician, Sen. Jane Orie has dedicated the lion’s share of her adult life to porking out at the public trough.
Apparently, Jane was well schooled in the art of public corruption while attending the Duquesne University School of Law. As I suspect y’all know, many corrupt public officials were foisted upon us after attending law school.
According to a Feb 14 story by Associated Press (AP), Janey was criminally charged with illegally using her senate staff and other office resources for the purpose of campaign fundraising work that clearly benefited her and her sister, Supreme Court Injustice Joan Orie Melvin.
Justice Joan Orie Melvin wasn’t charged with any criminal activity because as you well know Judicial Misfits are held to a much lower standard of conduct.
The AP reported that Janey was suspended from her $67,000-a-year do-nothing job as Justice Joan Orie Melvin’s so-called aide.
Only time will tell if this certified Dumbo and Loser is found guilty and sentenced to a long term at the State Correction Institution in Cambridge Springs, PA.
Congrats Janine; keep up the good work! We should let your constituents all know of your amazing record; you are far too modest.
The Dawg~
Folsom, California

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