► Eric "The Pimp" McFadden - Ohio's faith-based Initiatives go-to-guy Print E-mail
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Eric "The Pimp" McFadden - Ohio's faith-based Initiatives go-to-guy

Eric McFadden (aka, The Pimp) was the former director of Ohio Governor Ted Strickland’s Faith-Based and Community Initiatives.

           In addition, the Pimp was the co-founder and national field director for the Catholic Alliance for the Common Good, a grassroots organization based in suburban Columbus. After working for Governor Strickland for nine months, McFadden was demoted and worked for a short period of time as an administrative assistant with the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction. (Columbus Dispatch) The powers to be in the Catholic Church in Ohio should have suspected future problems with the Pimp since it was well known that Tom (pictured to the right) was the Pimp's mentor when he was attending St. Mary's elementary school in Sandusky, Ohio.  

          On January 14, 2009, the Pimp was arrested by the Columbus Police and charged with seven felonies, including pandering obscenities involving a minor, promoting prostitution and compelling prostitution. (Columbus Dispatch) On July 13, The Pimp pled guilty to two counts of compelling prostitution involving a 17-year-old girl on the Internet.

Columbus Police believe that the Pimp was the man they were looking for in connection with a prostitution ring that was run from Craig’s List. Police cracked the ring when men involved in a web site that posts reviews of prostitutes held a raffle for sex at a brothel near downtown Columbus. (Dispatch citing WCMH TV report) Luckily for me, an unreliable source provided me with a copy of the the ad the Pimp was running on Craig’s list.
Craigslist – Personals
Looking for a reasonably priced hooker?
Customer Qualifications:
1.    Awareness of wants and needs of hookers
2.    Prior experience cheating on spouse or spouses
3.    Devout Catholic [25% surcharge for non-Catholics]
Customer Duties and Responsibilities
1.    Ability to remain silent (Omerta)) if caught
2.    Willingness to do unto hooker as you would you wife
3.    Finder’s fee of $25 paid up front to Eric the Pimp
Eric's conduct is in keeping with the horde of hypocrites that rely on religion on one form or another in promoting their self-interests. In my experience, the louder the protestations (aka, proselytizing) from these hypocrites in espousing family values and/or in attacking others, the more likely it is that their closets contain more skeletons than one would find at the Arlington National Cemetery.
It is abundantly clear to me that Eric’s conduct in promoting prostitution in 2007 wasn’t an anomaly. I believe that it is likely that Eric’s display of immorality and unethical conduct began many, many years earlier. Clearly, one does not become a purveyor of human flesh overnight!
Again, I was fortunate in obtaining an image of Eric in his early years from an unreliable source. This image seems to indicate that Eric was morally and ethically deprived at an early age. As director of Catholic Alliance for the Common Good, Eric’s stated Vision was:
  •       Promotes core values of justice and human dignity [wife’s/hookers excluded]
  •       Faithful Catholics can embrace social justice teachings [or hooker if they wish]
  •       We inherit Jesus’ call to love one’s neighbor [or hookers if neighbor unavailable]
  •       Catholic tradition teaches us to put principle before profit [Not according to Eric]
 It is quite obvious that Eric the Pimp never intended to comport his conduct with the Vision statements set forth above. In fact, these Vision statements in regards to Eric are nothing more than hyperbolic jingoism. If the truth meant anything to Eric, the Visions stated above would or should have included a disclaimer excluding women, wives, and especially hookers.

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