► DA Maggie Fleming of Eureka, CA; apologist for perjuring judges Print E-mail
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DA Maggie Fleming of Eureka, CA; apologist for perjuring judges


The state of California presented Maggie Fleming with a law license in 1985 after she graduated from Santa Clara University Law School.


Since she received her law license in 1985, Maggie has had her significant snout firmly implanted in the public trough for the past thirty (30) years (ca. 1972 to 2015). Apparently, no self-respecting law firm in the LA area was about to offer Judith a good paying jog.


In September 2015, the California Commission on Judicial Performance disciplined Eureka County Superior Court judge Dale A. Reinholtsen for repeatedly submitting affidavits wherein he falsely testified that he did not have pending cases awaiting a decision or ruling for 90 or more days. For more info on Judge Reinholtsen visit the URL listed at the end of this article.


There is no dispute that Judge Reinholtsen repeatedly committed perjury when he filed his false affidavits. However, DA Fleming chose not to criminally charge him with multiple counts of perjury.


It was bad enough that the cheerleaders for Judicial Misfits sitting on the Judicial Commission gave Dale the Perjurer a pass. For a prosecutor who took an oath to uphold and enforce the law, such conduct is unconscionable.


I’m sure that if some fellow or gal involved in a custody or marital dispute in the Eureka County Superior Court had repeatedly given perjured testimony that DA Fleming would not have been so kind.


Apparently, DA Fleming holds to the belief that judges should be held to a much lower standard of conduct then everyone else in Eureka Count. Hopefully, the voters in Eureka will send this highly unethical and biased loser a message by voting her out of office if she has the chutzpah to run for reelection.


As we speak (ca. October 2015), Ms. Fleming continues to be employed as the Eureka County, California District Attorney.


Judge Dale Reinholtsen of Eureka, CA; perjurer, repeat offender



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