► Attorney David Bordow of Milwaukee; ethical leper-con Print E-mail
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Attorney David Bordow of Milwaukee; ethical leper-con

The state of Wisconsin presented David A. Bordow with a law license in 1982 after he graduated from California Western University Law School, which is a 3rd tier school dedicated to accepting losers that couldn’t get into established law schools.
The Office of Lawyer Regulation (OLR) found David guilty of the following misconduct.
  1. Failed to maintain proper client trust account records
  2. Misused client funds to cover a check to a party who had no funds on deposit in his trust account
  3. Provided OLR investigators with misleading (false) information
  4. Bounced several checks
  5. Failed to comply with client’s request for trust account records
  6. Lied to insurer that he would pay client’s medical liens prior to paying client share of settlement
  7. Failed to take required action to commence special administration of decedent’s estate
  8. Failed to provide competent legal representation (moron)
  9. Failed to act with reasonable diligence and promptness (slacker)
  10. Failed to notify OLR that he had bounced checks as required
  11. Failed to cooperate with OLR investigation (Up Yours said Dave!)
As a consequence of his misconduct, the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Wisconsin Supreme Court punished David by gifting him with a complimentary reprimand.
As we speak (ca. July 2012) Dave practices law at 306 North Milwaukee Street in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


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