► Attorney Owen Williams of Amery, WI; ethical elf Print E-mail
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Attorney Owen Williams of Amery, WI; ethical elf

The state of Wisconsin presented Owen R. Williams with a law license in 1972 after he graduated from the University of Illinois Law School.
The Office of Lawyer Regulation (OLR) found Owen guilty of the following misconduct.
In one matter while representing a client over a dispute with a truck dealer/repair shop, the client hired Owen to defend him against the dealer’s claim on two repair bills. The client also hired Owen to file a counterclaim against the dealer for shoddy workmanship; however, Owen never filed the counterclaim. At trial, the client had a judgment rendered against him and in favor of the dealer.
Before the case went to trial, Owen had the client sign the title to his truck over to him. Owen then transferred the title to a friend and business partner who owned a truck repair shop. The friend paid off the client’s truck loan and repaired the truck. The client told OLR that Owen told him he’d use the title to “bond” the truck so the client could continue using it to earn a living. The client said Owen told him that his fee of $2500 would be taken out of the bond. The client said it was not his understanding when he signed the title to Owen that he would transfer ownership to his friend and business partner.
After the first trial, the dealer filed a second lawsuit against Owens’s client and his business partner who now had title to the truck. The dealer alleged in the complaint that the transfer of the truck to the friend was fraudulent and that the friend knew of the dealer’s pending lawsuit when the transfer took place. Owen then had the chutzpah to continue representing his client while at the same time he represented his business partner in regards to the dealer’s second lawsuit, which constituted a conflict of interest.
As a consequence of his misconduct, the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Wisconsin Supreme Court punished Owen by gifting him with a complimentary reprimand.
As we speak (ca. June 2012) Owen practices with The Law Firm of Williams & Davis at 314 Keller Avenue North in Amery, Wisconsin

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