► Attorney Cole White of Green Bay, WI; thieving liar Print E-mail
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Attorney Cole White of Green Bay, WI; thieving liar


The state of Wisconsin presented Cole J. White with a law license in 2013 after he graduated from Marquette University School of Law.


The Office of Lawyer Registration (OLR) found Cole guilty of the following misconduct.

  • Engaged in 27 counts of misconduct, many of which involved dishonest conduct
  • Failed to respond to defendants’ discovery requests
  • In responding to a defendant’s motion to dismiss his client’s lawsuit, Cole submitted false statements to the trial court
  • The trial court granted dismissal of Cole’s sham lawsuit and sanctioned him $1,500
  • Misled his clients about status their case
  • Did little work to advance client’s case
  • Fabricated evidence and made false statements in responses to ethics investigators (Screw you, said Cole!)
  • A man hired Cole to pursue modification of a custody and placement order. White charged the man a flat fee of $11,000, despite his lack of experience handling such matters
  • Client hired Cole to pursue a defamation action against his ex-wife and paid him $2,700 for that case, but he did not purse the defamation case and the client subsequently terminated him
  • Refused to return client file upon being terminated
  • In a client’s landlord dispute, Cole misled the client to believe that he was working to settle the dispute and falsely claimed that he had contacted the landlord’s counsel
  • When the landlord sued his client re: the landlord dispute, Cole agreed to file an answer on the woman’s behalf but never did so, resulting in a default judgment against her
  • Cole hired to pursue Social Security disability claim for a man and accepted an advanced fee of $1,500, but did not work in the matter and lied to the client about the progress of the claim
  • Lied that he had mailed a refund check to client representing fees he did not earn

As a direct consequence of his misconduct, the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Wisconsin Supreme Court punished Cole by gifting him with a complimentary 16-month suspension of her law license effective August 23, 2019. He was also ordered to pay $17,105.44 for the cost of the disciplinary proceeding.


As we speak (ca. January 2020), Cole will resume his practice in late November 2020 with the White Law Offices LLC at 425 South Adams Street in Green Bay, Wisconsin.


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