► Attorney Christopher Heiskell of Morgantown, WV; lying loser Print E-mail
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Attorney Christopher Heiskell of Morgantown, WV; lying loser


The state of North Carolina provided Thomas S. Hicks with a law license in 1980 after he graduated from Wake Forest University Law School.


The Grievance Committee of the North Carolina State Bar has charged Chris with engaging in the following misconduct.

  • Made false statements about reason he left law firm
  • Engaged in conduct involving fraud, deceit, dishonesty or misrepresentation
  • Committed criminal act reflecting adversely on fitness to practice law
  • Failed to act with due diligence (slacker)
  • Failed to promptly inform client of decision with respect to which the client’s informed consent was required
  • Failed to consult with client re: manner in which client objectives to be achieved
  • Failed to advise client to appear at small claims hearing
  • Sent bill falsely claiming face-to-face meeting with opposing counsel

All that’s left now is to see what if any punishment the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the North Carolina Supreme Court mete out to Chris.


As we speak (ca. November 2015) Chris practices at 42 Tyrone Road in Morgantown, West Virginia. 


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