► Attorney Phillip Stone Griffin II, of Winchester, VA; cheating liar Print E-mail
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Attorney Phillip Stone Griffin II, of Winchester, VA; cheating liar

The Virginia State Bar found Phillip guilty of the following misconduct.
Phillip was hired by Gloria Rickel to file a legal action to have tenants evicted from her rental property because they were behind in their monthly rental payments.
As a result of Phillip’s incompetence, Ms. Rickel fired him and hired another attorney. 
Subsequently, Phillip filed a sham Warrant in Debt against Ms. Rickel claiming unpaid attorney fees of $1,519. Later on, Phillip’s attorney, Mary L.C. Daniel filed a Bill of Particulars which read in part: “The defendant filed a complaint with the Virginia State Bar, which was dismissed and the Virginia State Bar determined that $1,519.92 was due.”
The problem with Ms. Daniel’s statement is that it was patently false because the State Bar was still investigating Ms. Rickel’s complaint and never determined that she owed Phillip anything. Subsequently, Phillip the Liar admitted he actually reviewed the Bill of Particulars and knew it was false when he prepared it.
The State Bar then ruled that Phillips was guilty of (a) making a false statement to a tribunal, and (b) engaging in conduct involving fraud, deceit, dishonesty and misrepresentation.
As a consequence of his misconduct, the sympathizers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the 7th District Committee of the Virginia State Bar punished Phillip by gifting him with a complimentary admonishment.
As we speak (April 2012) Phillip the Liar practices law with Griffin Law at 102 South Kent Street in Winchester, Virginia
As expected, Phillip doesn’t disclose his misconduct on his self-serving website at www.thewinchesterlawyer.com. Of course if you’re looking for a degenerate liar and live in the Winchester area ya might consider hiring Phillip. 

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