► Attorney Devin AuClair of Fort Worth, TX; scofflaw Print E-mail
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Attorney Devin AuClair of Fort Worth, TX; scofflaw


The state of Texas provided Devin Michelle AuClair with a law license in 2012 after she graduated from St. Mary’s University School of Law.


The District 4 Grievance Committee found Devin guilty of engaging in the following misconduct.

  • Devin represented a client named Allen, who had a court-ordered bond condition of "Do not possess or consume any alcoholic beverage”
  • During her represent of the do not drink client, Devin Allen drank alcoholic beverages together on multiple occasions
  • Allen also had a Court-ordered bond condition of: "No contact with [victims] in any manner, including third party contact"
  • During her representation of Allen, Devin socialized with Allen and the victims together on multiple occasions, during which drinking alcoholic
  • beverages by the adults were involved
  • Devin assisted Allen in engaging in conduct that she knew was fraudulent
  • Devin engaged in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation

As a direct consequence of her misconduct the cheerleaders for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Grievance Committee of the Texas Supreme Court punished Devin gifting her with a complimentary reprimand and ordered to him pay $500.00 in investigative costs.


And lastly, as one would suspect, Devin fails to mention the misconduct set forth above on her self-serving website at www.auclaiatlaw.com. Apparently, she decided to conceal this highly relevant information from prospective clients for the purpose of not limiting her future victim pool.


As we speak (ca. September 2022), Devin practices her so-called brand of law with The AuClair Law Firm at 1020 Macon Street in Fort Worth, Texas.


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