► Attorney Marc Meigs of Portland, OR; ethical dwarf Print E-mail
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Attorney Marc Meigs of Portland, OR; ethical dwarf

The state of Oregon provided Marc L. Meigs with a law license in 1989.
The Oregon State Bar found Marc guilty of the following misconduct
In one matter, Marc was hired by Michelle Youngman as an owner an passenger in an automobile for injuries sustained in an auto accident. Michelle’s car was driven by Naomi Castaneda at the time of the accident. Youngman was insured by State Farm and the driver of the other car was insured by Safeco.
Marc negotiated settlement of Youngman’s claim against Safeco, which included payment by Safeco of $9,630 to reimburse State Farm because State Farm had already paid Youngman that sum in PIP (Personal Injury Protection) benefits. Marc asked that the PIP reimbursement check be made payable to State Farm and his client. Safeco then delivered a check payable to the accused, Youngman, and State Farm.
The letter accompanying the check from State Farm to Marc stated; “It is further understood that out of the funds enclosed you will satisfy State Farm’s PIP Lien.” The check itself contained the designation “Full and final settlement of PIP lien.”
Upon receipt of the check, Marc and Youngman endorsed it and, Marc deposited the check into his lawyer trust account without State Farm’s endorsement. Marc didn’t notify State Farm that he had received the check and did not receive any authorization from State Far to deposit the proceeds of the check into his trust account.
For a period of nine months, State Farm repeatedly demanded that Marc pay them the amount they were owed on the PIP payments; however, he refused to do so.
As a consequence of his misconduct, the apologists for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Oregon Supreme Court punished Marc by gifting him with a complimentary 30-day suspension of his law license.
As we speak (ca. August 2013) Marc practices with American Family Insurance at 11850 SW 67th Avenue in Portland, Oregon.

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