► Attorney Phillip Lehmkuhl of Mt. Vernon, OH; ethical dwarf Print E-mail
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Attorney Phillip Lehmkuhl of Mt. Vernon, OH; ethical dwarf

The state of Ohio presented Phillip Douglas Lehmkuhl with a law license in 1978 after he graduated from the University of Dayton Law School.
The Board of Commissioners on Grievances and Discipline of the Ohio Supreme Court found Phillip guilty of the following misconduct.
  • Failed to provide competent representation (Dumbo)
  • Engaged in conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice
  • Failed to cooperate with ethics investigation (Up Yours, said Phillip)
In one matter, Phillip filed a lawsuit against Joseph and Amanda Erb that alleged that they made remarks with careless disregard to the truth and that they were intended to defame Phillip and his wife, Carolynne, and Arlene and Timothy McAfee.
The McAfees were caring for horses owned by Phillip and his wife. At the time, the McAfees were involved in a television interview that alleged the animals were not well cared for. Phillip’s lawsuit should have listed Jill Erb instead of the couple’s daughter, Amanda.
Subsequently, Joseph Erb filed an ethics complaint against Phillip, which was dismissed several weeks later because the lawsuit was still ongoing. Phillip then tried to make his dismissal of the civil case conditioned on the fact that Mr. Erb would not refile his ethics complaint against him once the civil case was closed. Phillips attempt to extort a concession from Mr. Erb didn’t work when he later refiled the ethics complaint.
As a consequence of his misconduct, the apologists for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Ohio Supreme Court punished Phillip by gifting him with a complimentary reprimand.
As we speak (ca. July 2013), Phillip practices at 101 North Mulberry Street in Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
As a consequence of his misconduct, the apologists for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Ohio Supreme Court punished Phillip by gifting him with a complimentary reprimand.
As we speak (ca. July 2013), Phillip practices at 101 North Mulberry Street in Mt. Vernon, Ohio.

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