► Attorney Betty Groner of Akron; ethical loser Print E-mail
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Attorney Betty Groner of Akron; ethical loser

The state of Ohio presented Betty Groner with a law license in 1985 after she graduated from the University of Akron Law School.
The Akron Bar Association Grievance Committee found Betty guilty of the following misconduct.
Betty was hired to file a motion to oppose the appointment of an individual’s sister as administrator of their deceased mother’s estate. Betty used an online service that provides background checks to obtain information on the sister.
Betty obtained a 16-page report that listed various bankruptcy filings and criminal sanctions for a person with the same name as the sister. Betty then used this information in her motion to the probate court. However, the report contained information about anyone in the United States with the same name as the sister. There were 19 entries that varied in locations, age, race, and sex.
The grievance committee ruled that Betty had no basis in law or fact to make the accusations she did, that she filed a motion that contained false information, and that she made a misrepresentation to the probate court.
As a consequence of his misconduct, the cheerleaders for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Ohio Supreme Court punished Betty by gifting her with a complimentary stayed180-day suspension of her law license. In truth, the comedians sitting on the Ohio Supreme Court didn’t mete out any meaningful punishment to Betty.
As we speak (ca. December 2012) Betty practices with the Law Office of Betty Groner at 3584 Ridgewood Road in Akron, Ohio.

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