► Attorney James C. King of Lima, OH; convicted felon, liar Print E-mail
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Attorney James C. King of Lima, OH; convicted felon, liar

The state of Ohio presented James Coulter King with a law license in 1967 after he graduated from Ohio Northern University Law School.
Disciplinary Counsel of the Ohio Supreme Court found John guilty of the following misconduct.
  1. Deliberately making false statements to client (victim)
  2. Engaged in conduct involving fraud, dishonesty, deceit or misrepresentation
  3. Neglected legal matter entrusted to him
In one matter, James represented Carl Lawrence in a lawsuit against Duff Trucking regarding wage deductions. Shortly after the lawsuit was filed, James’ law license was suspended for one-year because of his felony conviction for filing a false income tax return. James then assured Lawrence that after his one-year suspension was over he would refile the claim against Duff.
After his law license was reinstated, Lawrence called James on at least two occasions to remind him to refile the case. On each occasion, James assured Lawrence that he would refile the claim.
A year later, Lawrence again called James on three occasions, and each time James assured him that the case had been refiled. Subsequently, Lawrence found out that James had repeatedly lied to him and that the case had never been refiled. Lawrence then fired James and hired another attorney.
Lawrence’s new attorney obtained a default judgment against Duff Trucking for $20,245, plus attorney fees. Lawrence then sued James for legal malpractice, which was settled when James paid Lawrence $12,637, which represented the wages withheld by Duff.
As a consequence of his misconduct, the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Ohio Supreme Court punished James by gifting him with a complimentary 180-day suspension of his law license.
As we speak (ca. October 2012) James practices at 212 North Elizabeth Street in Lima, Ohio, which is about 65 miles south of Toledo.

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