► Attorney Rodney Haven of Wooster, OH; convicted loser Print E-mail
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Attorney Rodney Haven of Wooster, OH; convicted loser


The state of Ohio presented Rodney Eugene Haven with a law license in 2007 after he graduated from the University of Akron School of Law.


FYI:The University of Akron is ranked as the 147th best law school in the country out of 200 ABA (American Bar Association) accredited law schools.


Disciplinary Counsel of the Ohio Supreme Court found Rodney guilty of engaging in the following misconduct.

  • Engaged in conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice
  • Engaged in conduct adversely reflecting on fitness to practice
  • In Jan 2023, Wooster Police received tip from suicide hotline that Rodney was armed and suicidal, and that he warned if police came to his house “the gun is coming out”
  • When contacted by Police, Rodney said, “If officers come inside, there will be a bloodbath. I have 7 rounds of .45 locked and loaded and I can do some serious damage with them.”
  • Rodney’s wife filed a Petition for a Domestic Violence Civil Protection Order on January10, 2023, which was granted by the court on the same date
  • Court determined that Rodney engaged in a pattern of conduct to cause wife and their son mental distress and she and her son were in danger of continued domestic violence at the hands of Rodney
  • Pled guilty to Improperly Handling a Firearm in a Motor Vehicle
  • Charged with driving while impaired (DUI)

The only thing remaining is to see what if any punishment is meted out to Rodney the apologists for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Ohio Supreme Court.


As we speak (ca. January 2024), Rodney practices his so-called brand of law at 1199 Wildwood Drive in Wooster, Ohio.



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