► Attorney Aaron Hartley of Kettering, OH; potty mouth bully Print E-mail
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Attorney Aaron Hartley of Kettering, OH; potty mouth bully


The state of Ohio presented Aaron Paul Hartley with a law license in 1991 after he graduated from the University of Indiana School of Law.


The Office of Disciplinary Counsel found Danny guilty of engaging in the following misconduct.

  • Engaged in conduct adversely reflecting on fitness to practice
  • Engaged in a pattern of repeated acts of violence, harassment, and lawless behavior
  • Lawless behavior led to five separate criminal convictions and three protection orders
  • Pled no contest (guilty in reality) to one count of menacing, a fourth degree misdemeanor

Aaron made the following public threats against his ex-wife’s attorney on Facebook.

  • “Where’s my daughter.”
  • “I’m still waiting on your thanks for a bullet not being placed in your brain.”
  • “Want. A. Thank. You. I Demand It. You. Silly. FAT. CUNT.”
  • “You better not fuck with my family, let alone my daughters. I will roll you. I WILL FUCKING ROLL YOU.”

Aaron made the following public threats against his ex-wife on Facebook.

  • “You are a simple cunt. Who also happens to be a whore.”
  • “Fuck you. You are a simpleton, who also happens to be a whore.”

All that remains now is to see what if any punishment is meted out to Aaron by the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Ohio Supreme Court.


As we speak (ca. May 2023), Aaron practices his so-called brand of with the Hartley Law Office at 209 East Stroop Road in Kettering, Ohio.



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